About This Blog

  • I have been a big fan of sketches for many years, using them on countless layouts. The end result never looks exactly like what the sketch started as. Often it is just as jumping point for inspiring me in a different direction.

    I moved away from sketches for awhile, but was recently re-inspired to start using them again. I have been enjoying working with sketches once more.

    It has been suggested to me that I create my own sketches, from various layouts I've done, and share them with others... so that's what you're looking at! All sketches are original, copyrighted by me, Suzanne Powell. The layouts shown are copyrighted by the creator of the layout (me unless otherwise specified). You are welcome to submit for publishing a layout using one of my sketches, if you make sure to credit me.

    I would really love to have feedback on the sketches I share with you. So use that comment button! :) Thanks!

    If you'd like to be notified when a new sketch is posted, please enter your email address below. You won't get junk mail from doing so, I promise!

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